The Best Types of Habits to Track – Part 1

The Next Level Daily Planner has a built-in habit tracker designed to help you better understand how you live your daily life. Tracking habits can help you establish good habits while seeking to get rid of those you aren't so fond of. We think habit tracking is a fantastic tool for self-improvement.


In light of that, we began wondering what types of habits our customers would want to track. Needless to say, we couldn't stop at just a few. So we have put together a series of two blog posts covering a full range of categories. This is the first of the series.


Type #1: Fitness Habits


We will start with fitness habits simply because this is the category so many people think about when they decide to begin habit tracking. Perhaps it's because we all realize, in the backs of our minds, that fitness is important. Many of us know we need to work at being more fit. We also know that we lack the motivation without something like a habit tracker to hold us accountable.


Here are some of the fitness habits you could track:


  • The amount of daily exercise you get
  • The total time spent exercising
  • The number of miles you walked or ran in a day
  • The number of weekly visits you made to the gym
  • The progress you are making in reaching your weight lost goals


You get to decide how to track your own pursuit of better fitness. If you need help establishing fitness goals, you can always ask friends and family members for advice. You can contact a personal trainer or ask one of the staff members at the gym.


Type #2: Financial Habits


Financial health is just as important as physical health. As such, financial fitness habits are definitely worth tracking. Start doing it and you may discover that you really do have the resources to become financially sound. The only thing you've been lacking to date is accountability – the accountability that habit tracking provides.


Here are some of the financial habits you could track:


  • How much you earn in a given period of time
  • How much you spend in that same period
  • The amount you spend on your credit cards
  • How often you put money in a savings account
  • How often you pay bills late


One of the most beneficial financial habit trackers of all is the basic budget. You don't even need the Next Level Daily Planner to create one. Regardless, the key to budgeting is sticking with it over the long term.


Type #3: Nutrition Habits


How many of us resolved to eat better in 2023? If you are raising your hand right now, tracking your nutrition habits should be right up your alley. A greater focus on healthy eating should help you feel and perform better. It will improve your overall health as well.


Here are a few suggestions for nutrition habits you could track:


  • Your daily water intake
  • Your daily calorie intake
  • Caffeine and alcohol intake
  • The types of foods you eat
  • How you feel after eating


Tracking daily nutrition gives you a good idea of your relationship with food. When you understand your normal nutrition habits, you can seek to develop better habits that will lead to better overall health.


We invite you to use our daily planner and its habit tracker to create a better life for yourself. If you have benefited from this post, be sure to check back with us for part 2. We'll look at a few more categories of helpful habits to track.